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Nevada Copper Provides an Update on House Subcommitee Hearing on Yerington Land Bill

19.04.2012  |  Marketwired

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 04/19/12 -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to provide an update on the hearing of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held in Washington, DC on April 17th to hear testimony on the H.R. 4039, the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act.

Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada who introduced this bill to the House of Representatives on February 16, 2012 testified at the hearing. Testimony in support was also heard from George Dini, Mayor of Yerington, and Tim Dyhr, Nevada Copper's Vice President, Environment and External Relations. Letters of support were also entered into the record from the Lyon County Commissioners and numerous other public groups in Lyon County. There was no testimony in opposition.

The Bureau of Land Management also testified. They acknowledged the benefits of the bill to Yerington and Lyon County and offered to work with the bill's sponsor and the Subcommittee on the bill.

Congressman Amodei stated: "I'm encouraged that the official from the Bureau of Land Management articulated no substantive objections and I want to thank the BLM Carson City District Office for their contributions to this matter". A link to Congressman Amodei's press release on this hearing is below and a full copy is also attached at the end of this news release:

Tim Dyhr stated: "We are pleased that Congressman Amodei is championing this bill, and with the help of colleagues, Congresswoman Berkley and Congressman Heck, planning to pass it out of committee to the floor of the House for passage. We expect that with no issues associated with this conveyance, it should move through the House by June."

The City and Nevada Copper also continue to work with Senator Reid and Senator Heller to move the Senate companion bill, S. 2228, through the U.S. Senate.

"We are working very closely with both Senators' staffs to address the standard procedural and technical aspects that must be addressed to successfully pass this type of bill in the Senate." Dyhr said.

There are no identified natural resources values that would be affected by the land conveyance, no conflicts with special management status areas identified in the BLM Resource Management Plan, nor any land use conflicts or effects to prime agricultural farmland in Mason Valley.

About Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper has 72.8 million shares outstanding and is well funded with no debt and approximately $60 million in cash.

Nevada Copper has filed a National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report-Feasibility Study for the Pumpkin Hollow Copper project on SEDAR ( An updated feasibility study, targeted to be released later this year, will incorporate the benefits of both magnetite recovery and sales from the project's significant iron magnetite resource in addition to all drilling results received since October 2010. The current drilling program will be incorporated into an updated mineral resource, mineral reserve and related mining plans. The dual benefits of the iron resource and results from the current drilling program are expected to have a further positive impact on project economics.

For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

We seek safe harbor.


Contact: Brian Baluta, 202-225-6155

April 17, 2012

Amodei statement on Yerington bill hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) issued the following statement regarding today's legislative hearing for H.R. 4039, the Yerington Land Conveyance and Sustainable Development Act.

Congressman Amodei:

"I'm pleased with the positive bipartisan reception the Yerington bill received today and commend Mayor George Dini, as well as Tim Dyhr from Nevada Copper, for testifying on the importance of this plan to the economy of Northern Nevada.

"The hearing proved the Dini name is still magic, as members from both sides of the aisle praised Speaker Emeritus of the Nevada Assembly Joe Dini.

"I'm encouraged that the official from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) articulated no substantive objections and I want to thank the BLM Carson City District Office for their contributions to this matter. I also appreciate the consideration of our neighbors in Arizona and California -- Ranking Member Grijalva and Rep. Garamendi.

"We will continue to work with Chairmen Bishop and Hastings to pass the bill out of the Natural Resources Committee. And I plan to visit with Reps. Berkley and Heck, as well as Senator Heller this week to push for final passage in the House and Senate."

Brian L. Baluta
Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2)
Communications Director
Phone: 202-225-6155


Nevada Copper Corp.

Eugene Toffolo

Corporate Communications

604-683-8266 or Toll free: 1-877-648-8266

Nevada Copper Corp.

Robert McKnight, P.Eng.

Executive Vice President


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Nevada Copper Corp.
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