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Drilling on Area 4 at Lofdal intersects deposit 200 meters down-dip of initial 43-101 resource

13.11.2012  |  CNW
-Deep hole on Area 4 resource intersects deposit at 350 vertical meters (200 meters down-dip of initial 43-101 resource)
- New discovery drilled 1.5 km northeast of Area 4 resource
- Successful completion of sorting tests in Germany, samples now being shipped to Mintek in South Africa for continuing metallurgical test work
- Exploration drilling continues in Area 5, Area 6 and Area 8 of Lofdal

HALIFAX, Nov. 13, 2012 - Namibia Rare Earths Inc. ("Namibia Rare Earths" or the "Company") (TSX: NRE) (OTCQX: NMREF) is pleased to report that results have been received from three deep exploration holes down-dip of the initial 43-101 resource estimate announced on September 19, 2012 on the Lofdal Rare Earth Project in northwestern Namibia. The initial 43-101 resource was reported to a maximum vertical depth of 150 meters. The deepest exploration hole now has intersected the deposit at a vertical depth of 350 meters returning 10 meters @ 0.44% TREO with 82.4% heavy rare earth enrichment ("HREE") which included 2 meters @ 1.34% TREO with 94.1% HREE.

In addition, eight exploration holes were drilled to test a new target situated 1.5 kilometers northeast of the initial 43-101 resource area. These holes intersected encouraging rare earth mineralization (0.1-0.3% TREO over 3-24 meters) with moderate levels of heavy rare earth enrichment1 (16-52% HREE), over a strike length of 450 meters (Figure 1).

A complete listing of all significant drill results is provided in Table 1.

Don Burton, President of Namibia Rare Earths stated,

"Following the successful reporting of our first 43-101 compliant resource in September, our program at Lofdal has shifted back into an exploration mode as we await the outcomes of the metallurgical test work on Area 4 from Mintek. The geological team first targeted deeper intercepts down dip of the resource to demonstrate the potential to expand the size of the deposit and then moved along strike to test a new zone of encouraging mineralization mapped at surface in August. With the initial 43-101 resource database cut off at a maximum vertical depth of 150 meters, the deeper intercept at 350 vertical meters from hole 4098 strongly suggests geological continuity of the deposit well beyond the limits of the current resource.

As we move towards establishing economic parameters for the development of this deposit with the Mintek metallurgical studies, the delineation of potential "satellite" deposits becomes of increasing interest at Lofdal. The discovery of a second zone 1.5 kilometers along strike in the same structure attests to the potential to further increase resources at Lofdal.

Recent geological mapping and prospecting has also identified new targets in Area 5 and Area 6 which are being drilled. The original Emanya target in Area 8 is also being re-evaluated following new interpretations from geophysical surveys completed earlier this year.

While an initial heavy rare earth enriched resource has been identified in Area 4, this most recent drilling demonstrates the potential to expand that resource. We are developing a new mineral district at Lofdal."

Significance of Exploration Drill Results

The Company recently announced the first 43-101 compliant resource in Area 4 (press release September 19, 2012) which at a cut-off 0.3% TREO, provided 0.90 MT of indicated resources at 0.62% TREO with 85.6% HREE and 0.75 MT of inferred resources at 0.56% TREO with 85.1% HREE2. Based on the available drill data at that time, this resource was estimated to a maximum vertical depth of 150 meters. One hole had intersected the deposit at a vertical depth of 250 meters but was excluded from the resource due to the lack of supporting drill data at that depth. The three holes reported today are considered as exploration holes at this time, and only provide an indication of the potential to develop additional resources at depth (Figure 2).

Highlights from the three deep exploration holes down dip on the Area 4 resource include:

• Hole 4098: 0.44%TREO over 10 meters with 82.4% HREE enrichment at 350 vertical meters (including 1.34% TREO over 2 meters with 94.1% HREE enrichment)

• Hole 4099: 0.14% TREO over 15 meters with 72.7% HREE enrichment at 240 vertical meters

• Hole 4100: 0.17% TREO over 19 meters with 50.8% HREE enrichment at 270 vertical meters

The three deep holes were drilled at an azimuth of 345 degrees and inclined at -70 degrees. Intercept widths are reported as down the hole widths and are not necessarily true widths. Interpreted dips of the mineralized zones vary from 45 to 80 degrees. A complete listing of all analytical results is provided in Table 1.

Field teams have completed geological mapping to the northeast of the resource area, and with the support of geophysical surveys have traced the favourable structure believed to be controlling mineralization in Area 4. A new zone of mineralization located 1.5 kilometers along strike was mapped over a distance of 450 meters and was selected as a priority drill target. A total of eight holes were completed in four fences along the zone, all of which intersected significant rare earth mineralization in a geological setting similar to the Area 4 resource. The drilling has demonstrated continuity over the 450 meter strike length making this zone a potential target for more detailed resource drilling in the future.

Highlights from this new discovery include:

• 0.52% TREO over 8 meters with 19.4% HREE enrichment
• 0.28% TREO over 6 meters with 36.5% HREE enrichment
• 0.24% TREO over 10 meters with 22.5% HREE enrichment
• 0.17% TREO over 24 meters with 34.0% HREE enrichment

These exploration holes were drilled at an azimuth of 330 degrees and inclined at -55 degrees. Intercept widths are reported as down the hole widths and are not necessarily true widths. Interpreted dips of the mineralized zones vary from 45 to 80 degrees. A complete listing of all analytical results is provided in Table 1.

Sample preparation and analytical work was provided by Activation Laboratories Ltd. (Windhoek, Namibia and Ancaster, Ontario) employing ICP-MS techniques suitable for rare earth element analyses and following strict internal QAQC procedures inserting blanks, standards and duplicates.

Update on Metallurgical Test Program

As previously announced (Company press release July 3, 2012), Mintek has been engaged to undertake preliminary metallurgical test work on representatives samples obtained from two HQ diameter drill holes. Portions of these samples were shipped to Tomra Ultrasort in Germany where detailed sorting test work has now been completed. Final results are pending receipt of analytical data, however it has been determined that the mineralization is highly amenable to sorting through the use of x-ray transmission ("XRT") sensors which detect variations in mineral densities. Sorting has been successfully achieved on material down to 10 mm size fractions. The objective in utilizing sorting technologies is to upgrade the run of mine feed by eliminating waste material prior to milling. The sorted material together with fines retained in Namibia is now being shipped to Mintek in South Africa for detailed metallurgical tests to optimize concentrate grades and determine the optimum extraction flow sheet. This work is expected to be completed in Q1 2013.

Update on Continuing Exploration on Lofdal

Exploration for new discoveries continues throughout the 200 km2 carbonatite complex. Field crews have completed additional geological mapping some six kilometers to the southwest of the Area 4 resource where new targets have been identified in Area 6. Drilling has been completed with 995 meters in six holes testing combined geological and geophysical targets resource in that area (analyses pending). The drill is currently back at the Emanya target in Area 8 to test extensions of that carbonatite intrusion based on geophysical surveys where two of three planned holes have been completed. Drilling will be completed before the Christmas break over new targets in Area 5.

Donald M. Burton, P.Geo. and President of Namibia Rare Earths is the Company's Qualified Person and has reviewed and approved this press release.

About Namibia Rare Earths Inc.

Namibia Rare Earths Inc. is developing a portfolio of mineral exploration projects in Namibia and is currently focused on the accelerated development of the Lofdal Rare Earths Project. The Company completed a CDN$28.75 million initial public offering and Toronto Stock Exchange listing in April, 2011 and is well funded to carry out its development program. The common shares of Namibia Rare Earths Inc. trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "NRE" and in the United States on the OTCQX International under the symbol "NMREF".

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No regulatory authority had approved or disapproved the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The foregoing information may contain forward-looking information relating to the future performance of Namibia Rare Earths Inc. Forward-looking information, specifically, that concerning future performance, is subject to certain risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties are detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the appropriate securities commissions.

1 As per industry norms heavy rare earths ("HREE") and their oxide equivalents ("HREO") comprise europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), lutetium (Lu) and yttrium (Y). Light rare earths ("LREE") and their oxide equivalents ("LREO") comprise lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd) and samarium (Sm). Total rare earths ("TREE") and their oxide equivalent ("TREO") comprise HREE+LREE (HREO+LREO). "Heavy rare earth enrichment" is the ratio of HREE:TREE or HREO:TREO expressed as a percentage. Ratios are calculated from source data and may vary from use of rounded numbers in tables.lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd) and samarium (Sm). Total rare earths ("TREE") and their oxide equivalent ("TREO") comprise HREE+LREE (HREO+LREO). "Heavy rare earth enrichment" is the ratio of HREE:TREE or HREO:TREO expressed as a percentage. Ratios are calculated from source data and may vary from use of rounded numbers in tables.

2 "NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for Area 4 of the Lofdal Rare Earth Element (REE) Project, Khorixas District, Republic of Namibia", dated October 29, 2012 effective July 31, 2012 prepared by The MSA Group (Pty) Ltd.

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For further information:

Namibia Rare Earths Inc.
Don Burton, President
Tel: +01 (902) 835-8760/ Fax: +01 (902) 835-8761
Web site:
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