Eric Sprott Announces Holdings in Resource Capital Gold
Prior to the expiry of these Warrants, Mr. Sprott beneficially owned and controlled 26,835,089 common shares and 3,944,444 Warrants representing approximately 15.4% of the outstanding common shares on a non-diluted basis and approximately 17.2% on a partially diluted basis assuming the exercise of all Warrants.
As a result of the Warrant expiry, Mr. Sprott now beneficially owns and controls 26,835,089 common shares representing approximately 15.4% of the outstanding common shares on a non-diluted basis. The Warrants expiry resulted in a partially diluted beneficial ownership change of greater than 2% and, therefore, the filing of an update to the early warning report.
Mr. Sprott understands that the Company is currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings pursuant to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) (the "BIA"). Mr. Sprott further understands that since its announcement on January 29, 2019 of filing a Notice of Intention to make a proposal under the BIA, the common shares of the Company have been halted from trading on the TSX Venture Exchange.
Mr. Sprott currently does not have any plan to acquire or dispose of additional securities of the Company. However, Mr. Sprott may acquire additional securities of the Company, dispose of some or all of the existing or additional securities he holds or will hold, or may continue to hold his current position, depending on market conditions, reformulation of plans and/or other relevant factors.
Resource Capital Gold is located at 500-666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3P6. A copy of the early warning report with respect to the foregoing will appear on the Company's profile on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval ("SEDAR") at and may also be obtained by calling Mr. Sprott's office at (416) 945-3294 (200 Bay Street, Suite 2600, Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2J1).
Mr. Eric Sprott
200 Bay Street, Suite 2600
Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J1