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Class 1 Nickel and Technologies provides disclosure of 2021 drilling program at Alexo-Dundonald Nickel project in Timmins

02.05.2022  |  GlobeNewswire
TORONTO, May 02, 2022 - Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited (CSE: NICO/OTCQB: NICLF) (“Class 1 Nickel” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update of its 2021 phase 1 and phase 2 drilling programs on the Alexo-Dundonald Property near Timmins, Ontario (Figure 1).

The summer 2021 program was completed by G4 Drilling of Val-d’Or, Quebec, under the supervision of Terra Modelling Services of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Class 1 Nickel’s program consisted of 88 diamond drill holes totalling 20,607 m. Table 1 gives summary statistics for the drilling program.

Table 1. Summary statistics of C1N 2021 drilling, Alexo-Dundonald Property in northeastern Ontario.

Area          Alexo South  Alexo North  Dundonald South  Scissor Holes  Total
Drill Holes 37 29 18 4 88
Total Metres 9177 5813 4919 641 20607
Max Hole Depth (m) 432 306 434 201 434
Min Hole Depth (m) 102 135 126 102 102
Average Depth (m) 248 198 259 160 234

Min Dip (°) -43.3 -43.7 -42.38 -43.71
Max Dip (°) -61.81 -51.85 -75.17 -45.45

Drilling concentrated on exploring around the periphery of the three mineralised zones at Alexo South, Alexo North and Dundonald South to test and potentially extend the known close to surface mineralised zones at the three deposits: by

- Following up geophysical anomalies remodelled from BHEM data acquired by previous explorers; and

- Stepping out drilling into the gaps between the known mineralised envelopes and the pierce points of the previous closest drilling from past exploration around the known deposits.

Drilling also followed up some borehole and VTEM anomalies in the immediate vicinity of the known mineralised zones at Alexo South, Alexo North and Dundonald South.

C1N experienced significant delay in obtaining assay results for the drilling program due to an exceptional delay by the laboratories in running the relevant analyses, with full certified results for all drilling only returned on 17th March, 2022.

Figure 1. Location of the Alexo-Dundonald Property in northeastern Ontario.

Some of the more significant intersections are:

- Boreholes AN-21-04, 07, 10, 19, 20, 23, 24 to the northeast of Alexo-North targeting BHEM and VTEM anomalies outside the Alexo North mineralised envelope that encountered narrow intervals (<2m) of semi-massive sulphide grading 0.5-2% nickel at shallow depth (100-150m below surface), potentially delineating another small sulphide zone close to surface.

- Boreholes AS-21-07, 08 and 09 to the west of Alexo South targeting incremental additions to the Alexo South mineralised lenses intersected shallow intervals of 1-6m downhole widths of disseminated sulphides with grades of 0.3-0.8% nickel.

- Boreholes DS-21-02, 05, 09, 10, 14, 16, 17, drilled as incremental step-out to the Dundonald South mineralised envelope that intersected narrow (1-3m) intervals of semi-massive sulphide (0.5-4% nickel). These results are consistent with the known mineralised system and possibly representing minor extensions to the known mineralised envelope.

Borehole EM conducted on a selection of the 2021 holes generally highlighted known sulphide mineralisation, or small conductive plates sitting coincident with known minor sulphide intervals outside the immediate MRE mineralised area.

The full implications of assay results coupled with borehole EM surveys conducted is yet to be evaluated by the company. The Company is incorporating results into its 3D model of geology and geophysics to delineate further targets for testing. As can be seen from the summary statistics, nearly all the 2021 drilling was conducted at a shallow dip (~45-50°) to shallow downhole depths, meaning nearly all drilling was conducted to less than 200m vertical depth below surface, and limited in areal extent to the immediate environs of the known deposits. The deepest holes only tested to a vertical depth on the order of 300m below surface. In the Alexo North and South area, only about 10% of all holes drilled to date extend below 100 m vertical depth from surface.

While exploration has apparently closed out potential for immediate significant upgrade of the mineralisation around the margins of the known deposits, global exploration for komatiite-associated nickel sulphide systems in Australia, and within systems such as Thompson and Raglan in Canada, has demonstrated high potential for exploration and discovery of continued and (or) additional sulphide mineralization along strike or down-plunge within mineralized channelized flows. Similarly, potential parallel channelized environments within the same volcanic flow field offer reliable exploration targets for additional sulphide systems. The shallow nature of past exploration and focus on the near-surface known mineralization at Alexo-Dundonald means that these possibilities have not yet been tested on the Project.

Opportunities exist to test down-plunge and along strike of the known zones at Alexo-Dundonald for additional sulphide lenses with a targeted approach of surface EM, further diamond drilling below and along strike of the current drilling on the deposits, and borehole EM of the deeper drill holes. In addition, none of the priority VTEM anomalies highlighted by the 2019 survey conducted by the Company at Alexo-Dundonald (Figure 2, labelled A-O) have yet been tested with drilling.

Figure 2. Plan view of the Alexo-Dundonald Property in northeastern Ontario showing priority VTEM anomalies.

No drilling was conducted at Dundonald North during the 2021 drill program. The highest-grade nickel intersections of the Dundonald North Deposit occur at vertical depths of 400 to 525 m below surface. Although deep, there still exists very high potential to expand Dundonald North with several drill holes into open space around these intersections. The nickel mineralization is open to the west with room for further expansion to the east and at depth.

Table 2: Summary of significant results.

DDH Name	From	To	Drilled Width	Ni %
(m) (m) (m) %
AS-21-01 assay data not yet obtained
AS-21-02 assay data not yet obtained
AS-21-03 no significant results
AS-21-04 no significant results
AS-21-05 no significant results
AS-21-06 no significant results
AS-21-07 241.50 243.00 1.50 0.43
AS-21-08 102.00 102.50 0.50 0.51
AS-21-09 102.00 102.50 0.50 0.62
AS-21-09 102.50 104.00 1.50 0.45
AS-21-09 104.00 105.00 1.00 0.30
AS-21-09 105.00 106.00 1.00 0.87
AS-21-09 106.00 107.00 1.00 0.32
AS-21-10 no significant results
AS-21-11 no significant results
AS-21-12 no significant results
AS-21-13 no significant results
AS-21-14 no significant results
AS-21-15 no significant results
AS-21-16 no significant results
AS-21-17 no significant results
AS-21-18 no significant results
AS-21-19 no significant results
AS-21-20 no significant results
AS-21-21 no significant results
AS-21-22 no significant results
AS-21-23 no significant results
AS-21-24 no significant results
AS-21-25 no significant results
AS-21-26 no significant results
AS-21-27 no significant results
AS-21-28 no significant results
AS-21-29 no significant results
AS-21-30 no significant results
AS-21-31 no significant results
AS-21-32 no significant results
AS-21-33 no significant results
AS-21-34 no significant results
AS-21-35 no significant results
AS-21-36 no significant results
AS-21-37 no significant results
AN-21-01 no significant results
AN-21-02 no significant results
AN-21-03 no significant results
AN-21-04 127.70 128.77 1.07 1.21
AN-21-04 128.77 129.35 0.58 1.95
AN-21-05 no significant results
AN-21-06 no significant results
AN-21-07 111.68 111.83 0.15 0.91
AN-21-08 no significant results
AN-21-09 no significant results
AN-21-10 150.00 150.82 0.82 0.31
AN-21-10 150.82 151.69 0.87 1.63
AN-21-10 151.69 153.00 1.31 0.33
AN-21-11 no significant results
AN-21-12 no significant results
AN-21-13 no significant results
AN-21-14 no significant results
AN-21-15 no significant results
AN-21-16 no significant results
AN-21-17 144.48 144.52 0.04 0.87
AN-21-18 no significant results
AN-21-19 136.73 137.03 0.30 1.12
AN-21-19 137.03 138.00 0.97 0.20
AN-21-19 138.00 138.31 0.31 1.41
AN-21-19 138.31 139.00 0.69 0.44
AN-21-19 139.00 140.00 1.00 0.32
AN-21-20 139.81 140.08 0.27 1.19
AN-21-21 no significant results
AN-21-22 no significant results
AN-21-23 136.97 137.90 0.93 0.31
AN-21-23 137.90 138.15 0.25 1.86
AN-21-24 153.00 154.09 1.09 1.18
AN-21-24 154.09 155.54 1.45 0.93
AN-21-25 no significant results
AN-21-26 no significant results
AN-21-27 no significant results
AN-21-28 no significant results
AN-21-29 no significant results
DS-21-001 no significant results
DS-21-002 no significant results
DS-21-002 152.0 153.0 1.0 0.67
DS-21-002 153.0 154.0 1.0 0.89
DS-21-003 no significant results
DS-21-004 no significant results
DS-21-005 102.95 103.95 1.0 0.40
DS-21-005 103.95 104.95 1.0 0.21
DS-21-005 104.95 106.04 1.09 0.23
DS-21-005 106.04 106.14 0.1 3.00
DS-21-005 106.14 107.21 1.07 0.25
DS-21-005 107.21 107.42 0.21 2.33
DS-21-006 no significant results
DS-21-007 no significant results
DS-21-008 no significant results
DS-21-009 171.0 172.0 1.0 0.96
DS-21-009 172.0 173.0 1.0 0.49
DS-21-009 173.0 174.0 1.0 0.53
DS-21-009 173.0 174.0 1.0 0.58
DS-21-009 174.0 175.0 1.0 0.37
DS-21-009 175.0 176.0 1.0 1.10
DS-21-009 348.0 349.0 1.0 0.14
DS-21-009 349.0 350.0 1.0 0.12
DS-21-009 350.0 351.0 1.0 0.08
DS-21-010 62.0 62.5 0.5 0.32
DS-21-010 62.5 63.0 0.5 0.31
DS-21-010 63.0 63.5 0.5 1.19
DS-21-011 no significant results
DS-21-012 no significant results
DS-21-013 no significant results
DS-21-014 101.46 102.83 1.37 0.61
DS-21-014 102.83 104.22 1.39 0.82
DS-21-014 104.22 105.72 1.5 0.89
DS-21-014 115.08 116.36 1.28 0.72
DS-21-014 116.36 117.76 1.4 1.31
DS-21-014 117.76 119.05 1.29 4.99
DS-21-014 144.0 145.5 1.5 0.10
DS-21-014 145.5 147.0 1.5 0.15
DS-21-014 147.0 148.5 1.5 0.15
DS-21-014 209.39 210.65 1.26 3.12
DS-21-015 no significant results
DS-21-016 232.0 233.0 1.0 1.36
DS-21-016 233.0 234.0 1.0 0.17
DS-21-016 234.0 235.0 1.0 0.20
DS-21-016 235.0 236.0 1.0 0.97
DS-21-016 236.0 237.0 1.0 1.54
DS-21-016 237.0 238.0 1.0 0.97
DS-21-017 242.0 243.0 1.0 4.66
DS-21-017 243.0 244.33 1.33 0.65
DS-21-017 244.33 245.0 0.67 0.08
DS-21-018 no significant results
SOX-21-01 no significant results
SOX-21-02 no significant results
SOX-21-03 no significant results
SOX-21-04 no significant results

* drill core width only, does not represent true width.

Table 3: Localisation of 88 drill holes.

Hole Name	Easting	Northing	Elevation	Azimuth	Dip	Hole Length (m)
AS-21-01 514078 5389227 334 149 -54 276
AS-21-02 513994 5389265 333 146 -46 327
AS-21-03 513988 5389196 320 154 -48 192
AS-21-04 514287 5389325 320 148 -50 177
AS-21-05 514362 5389343 321 148 -49 150
AS-21-06 514382 5389319 321 152 -49 126
AS-21-07 513809 5389102 325 151 -43 279
AS-21-08 513836 5388947 323 148 -45 156
AS-21-09 513767 5388873 323 148 -58 150
AS-21-10 513838 5389043 327 151 -44 189
AS-21-11 513820 5389031 328 150 -45 225
AS-21-12 513801 5389012 332 150 -45 225
AS-21-13 513854 5388916 322 142 -44 102
AS-21-14 513843 5389003 335 150 -45 201
AS-21-15 513820 5388975 323 150 -45 201
AS-21-16 513789 5388967 329 149 -45 201
AS-21-17 513778 5389112 327 150 -45 300
AS-21-18 513786 5389040 339 150 -45 267
AS-21-19 513810 5388927 329 148 -45 156
AS-21-20 513798 5388894 332 148 -45 168
AS-21-21 513775 5388943 338 147 -45 195
AS-21-22 513745 5388910 334 147 -61 186
AS-21-23 513734 5388943 339 149 -62 234
AS-21-24 513722 5388827 321 147 -61 156
AS-21-25 513685 5388878 321 151 -61 183
AS-21-26 514095 5389227 330 150 -55 267
AS-21-27 514001 5389216 334 150 -55 402
AS-21-28 513865 5389243 329 149 -45 282
AS-21-29 513874 5389173 329 150 -60 396
AS-21-30 513796 5389190 327 147 -51 348
AS-21-31 513863 5389225 324 151 -62 432
AS-21-32 513846 5389172 326 151 -57 387
AS-21-33 513841.1 5389104 323 150 -45 312
AS-21-34 513970 5389309 325 147 -44 405
AS-21-35 513549 5388819 307 141 -54 222
AS-21-36 514238 5389410 325 150 -45 402
AS-21-37 514265 5389355 325 152 -45 300
AN-21-01 513749.2 5389543 311 148 -46 201
AN-21-02 513735.3 5389516 311 150 -45 201
AN-21-03b 513935.3 5389549 309 151 -45 135
AN-21-04 513903.8 5389642 308 149 -45 252
AN-21-05 513833 5389587 309 152 -45 195
AN-21-06 513774.8 5389605 313 151 -44 222
AN-21-07 513790.6 5389559 312 151 -45 141
AN-21-08 513742.9 5389490 308 151 -44 141
AN-21-09 513759.3 5389528 312 147 -45 153
AN-21-10 513923.3 5389672 308 148 -47 306
AN-21-11 513894.5 5389687 307 152 -50 210
AN-21-12 513885.1 5389596 307 151 -49 252
AN-21-13 513897 5389609 308 148 -44 231
AN-21-14 513910 5389673 307 150 -48 180
AN-21-15 513927.5 5389684 307 150 -49 180
AN-21-16 513825.4 5389650 306 150 -46 258
AN-21-17 513902.8 5389670 307 150 -50 180
AN-21-18 513842.7 5389662 306 149 -47 249
AN-21-19 513946.7 5389692 307 149 -46 180
AN-21-20 513950.6 5389693 308 148 -45 180
AN-21-21 514361.8 5389546 312 334 -45 186
AN-21-22 513974.6 5389706 307 149 -47 180
AN-21-23 513979.7 5389706 306 150 -50 180
AN-21-24 513937 5389685 307 149 -49 180
AN-21-25 513942.6 5389688 307 149 -50 183
AN-21-26 513958.6 5389697 306 148 -47 222
AN-21-27 513958.3 5389697 307 150 -51 180
AN-21-28 513985 5389715 306 148 -47 200
AN-21-29 513984.7 5389716 306 151 -52 198
DS-21-001 512127.7 5386267 285 359 -45 324
DS-21-002 511793 5386711 315 178 -43 243
DS-21-003 511727.9 5386631 303 177 -46 219
DS-21-004 511231.3 5386707 279 358 -46 273
DS-21-005 512137.4 5386391 289 360 -44 210
DS-21-006 512066.6 5386618 307 176 -43 300
DS-21-007 511799.2 5386618 306 179 -42 150
DS-21-008 512179.8 5386484 295 182 -75 150
DS-21-009 511577.1 5386360 294 360 -45 351
DS-21-010 511365.4 5386576 283 357 -52 126
DS-21-011 511294.6 5386634 281 354 -52 150
DS-21-012 511470.9 5386753 303 176 -61 285
DS-21-013 511880.6 5386237 287 357 -44 375
DS-21-014 511740 5386493 302 180 -70 255
DS-21-015 511674 5386322 300 360 -55 315
DS-21-016 511713 5386683 310 175 -47 351
DS-21-017 511519 5386740 309 176 -55 282
DS-21-018 511500 5386425 300 360 -50 434
SOX-21-01 513992 5389375 317 331 -44 102
SOX-21-02 513929.4 5389332 319 332 -45 201
SOX-21-03 513973.5 5389342 318 328 -45 141
SOX-21-04 514023 5389316 319 330 -44 197


Class 1 Nickel employed a quality assurance and quality control program for the drill program, to ensure leading practice in the sampling and analysis of drill core. This practice includes insertion of certified standards and blanks into the drill core sample stream. Assay samples are taken from NQ-size drill core sawn in half; one-half of the core is shipped to AGAT Laboratories in Mississauga and ALS Labs in Timmins for assay and the other half is kept in the core box on-site for future reference. At AGAT Laboratories, the analytical methods employed consist of four-acid digest followed by sodium peroxide fusion and ICP-OES finish for multi-element analysis (including Ni, Cu, Co and S); fire-assay collection and ICP-OES finish for palladium, platinum and gold; and nickel collection fire assay and ICP-MS finish for the platinum-group elements, including rhodium.

About the Alexo-Dundonald Project

The 100%-owned Alexo-Dundonald Property is an advanced portfolio of komatiite hosted magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide deposits located 45 km northeast of the City of Timmins (Ontario, Canada), a world-class mining jurisdiction with processing plants in need of additional feed. Class 1 Nickel has assembled a strategic land package that combines the historically mined Alexo nickel sulphide deposits with the Dundonald nickel sulphide prospects to create a larger and more diversified property portfolio. The Company’s updated total estimated Indicated Mineral Resource consists of 1.25 Million tonnes (Mt) with an average grade of 0.99% Ni and a total estimated Inferred Mineral Resource of 2.01 Mt with an average grade of 1.01% Ni as per NI 41-101 Technical Report completed by P&E Mining Consultants Inc (December 17, 2020). The Company is currently drilling to expand the known Mineral Resources and discover new resources to support a Preliminary Economic Assessment.

Qualified Persons

All the technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Alex Beloborodov (P.Geo.), geological consultant to the Company, who is a Qualified Person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43‐101.

About Class 1 Nickel

Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited (CSE: NICO/OTCQB: NICLF) is a Mineral Resource Company focused on the development of its 100% owned Alexo-Dundonald Property, a portfolio of komatiite hosted magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide Mineral Resources located near Timmins, Ontario. The Company also owns the Somanike komatiite-hosted nickel-copper sulphide property in Quebec, which includes the famous Marbridge Nickel Mine.

For more information, please contact:

Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited
David Fitch, President
T: 011 +61 400.631.608

For additional information please visit our website at and our Twitter feed: @Class1Nickel.

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulation services provider has reviewed or accepted responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

This news release contains forward-looking information which is not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking information is characterized by words such as “plan”, “expect”, “project”, “intend”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “estimate” and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions “may” or “will” occur. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company’s management’s discussion and analysis as filed under the Company’s profile at Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including that all necessary governmental and regulatory approvals will be received as and when expected. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

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