Nyrstar NV - Update regarding the judgment of the indictment chamber in Brussels dated 5 March 2025
21 March 2025 at 07.00 CET
Nyrstar NV ("Nyrstar", or the "Company") today provides an additional update regarding the criminal proceedings in Brussels.
As communicated in a press release dated 5 March 2025 (see link), the indictment chamber of the Brussels court of appeal dismissed the Company from prosecution in a judgment of that day.
The FSMA has requested Nyrstar to provide the market with additional information regarding this judgment. Nyrstar has therefore decided to publish the judgment in its entirety and in anonymized form (in respect of identification details of natural and legal persons, other than Nyrstar) on its website: https://www.nyrstarnv.be/en/investors/restructuring/summary-of-ongoing-proceedings
About Nyrstar NV
The Company is incorporated in Belgium and listed on Euronext Brussels under the symbol NYR. For further information please visit the Nyrstar NV website: www.nyrstarnv.be
For further information contact:
Company Secretary company.secretary@nyrstarnv.be
20250321_Nyrstar - Press release re publication judgment 5 March 2025_ENG
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