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SolGold plc
A0JDJ3 / GB00B0WD0R35


  • SolGold plc has received notification on 11 April 2024 from Christopher Stackhouse, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, that on 11 April 2024 he had acquired 115,000 Ordinary Shares of £0.01 each in the Company at a price of CAD0.175 per Ordinary Share of £0.01 each in the Company for the total consideration of CAD20,125. Following this [...]
  • Blanca-Nieves Project Update - Outcrop results 6.15m @ 7.46 g/t Au SolGold is pleased to provide an update on the Blanca-Nieves Project . SolGold holds a 100% interest in the Project through its Ecuadorian subsidiary, Carnegie Ridge Resources S.A. Exploration identified a significant porphyry target at El Cielto Norte covering approximately 2.5 x [...]
  • Announces Filing of NI 43-101 Pre-Feasibility Study Technical Report SolGold & is pleased to announce that the Company has filed on SEDAR+ an independent technical report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects supporting the results of a Pre-Feasibility Study for the Cascabel Project in [...]
  • Cascabel Complementary Investment Protection Agreement SolGold is pleased to announce the signing of a joint declaration with the Government of Ecuador in preparation for the execution of the Complementary Investment Protection Agreement for the Cascabel Project in Ecuador. The signing took place in Toronto at the Prospectors and Developers [...]
  • Sustainable Hydro-Solar Energy at Cascabel Project SolGold plc is pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Grupo Empresarial Semaica , a major construction company in Ecuador, and Enerhydra, an American company, whose partners have participated in large projects throughout Latin America, and have developed seven [...]
  • SolGold is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jian Liu and Mr. Charles Joseland to its Board of Directors. Mr. Jian Liu brings over 30 years of private investment advisory experience to the SolGold board, with a diverse background spanning multiple sectors, including mining, energy, technology, consumer, and healthcare. He previously worked [...]
  • Announces Successful Completion of New Cascabel Pre-Feasibility Study with Significantly Reduced Initial Capital Cost and 24% Internal Rate of Return $5.4bn pre-tax Net Present Value and 33% internal rate of return $3.2bn after-tax NPV8%, 24% IRR and 4-year payback period from the start of processing[1] Average production[2] of 123ktpa of copper [...]
  • Half-Yearly Financial Report And Quarterly MD&A SolGold & is pleased to advise all shareholders and interested investors of the release of the Company's interim financial results for the half year ended 31 December 2023. The full interim financial report is available on the Company's website, Further, the Company advises [...]
  • SolGold is pleased to provide an update on the Company's current initiatives and ongoing activities. Scott Caldwell, SolGold's CEO and President of SolGold Ecuador, commented: "We continue to progress various initiatives, including the strategic review. Since returning to Ecuador on January 2nd, I have also had the opportunity to engage directly [...]
  • Date: 3 JANUARY 2024 Name of applicant: SolGold plc Name of scheme: Options over Ordinary Shares, which were exchanged, in connection with the acquisition of Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. , for options granted by Cornerstone over its ordinary shares to certain of its directors, employees and consultants. Period of return: From: 28 June 2023 [...]
  • Results of Annual General Meeting SolGold confirms that all resolutions put to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 20 December 2023 in Brisbane, Australia were conducted via a poll, where the proxy votes received ahead of the meeting were combined with votes cast at the meeting. The meeting was held in Brisbane, Australia. A [...]
  • In connection with the upcoming SolGold Annual General Meeting , to be held on 20 December 2023, SolGold would like to remind all shareholders to vote on the resolutions put forth for the upcoming AGM. For shareholders that hold their SolGold shares through a broker or other intermediary , a completed voting instruction form should be deposited in [...]


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