Cervantes Corporation is pleased to advise that the inaugural drilling programme at the Albury Heath Project is expected to commence on Thursday 3 May 2018. The drillers will mobilise Wednesday morning with the drilling expected to take 7 to 10 days to complete, depending on weather. The Albury Heath tenement package is located approximately 23 [...]
Cervantes Corporation is pleased to provide the March quarter activity report. Much like the last quarter, the Company has ticked over another milestone with the commencement of its inaugural exploration program since converting to an Exploration Company. The initial soil sampling program at the Abbotts project and a portion of the Primrose project [...]
Cervantes Corporation or is pleased to advise that as a result of the recent shareholders meeting and approval of additional capital raising facilities, the Company has placed all of the available shares and attaching options. 40,199,593 fully paid shares together with 13,399,864 free attaching options were placed to professional investors under [...]
As announced 21 December 2017, Cervantes Corporation confirmed that the purchase of the Paynes Find Gold Project from European Lithium had settled. The total consideration in relation to the Transaction comprises $500,000 cash and $500,000 in share consideration. The parties have agreed to amend the payment terms of the remaining deferred cash [...]
Cervantes Corporation is pleased to inform the market it has undertaken a comprehensive review of the gold exploration potential of the Primrose Shear. This shear is related to high grade gold mineralisation that was mined historically. The review took in work done by previous explorers as well as records from historic gold producers in the Paynes [...]
Cervantes Corporation is pleased to inform the market it has undertaken a comprehensive review of the gold exploration potential of the Primrose Shear. This shear is related to high grade gold mineralisation that was mined historically (see Figure 1 in link below). The review took in work done by previous explorers as well as records from historic [...]
Golden Opportunity to invest in a Listed Australian exploration company developing one of Western Australia's great Gold Fields discovered in 1911, with 37 old mine workings but never explored by Modern exploration methods, only 4.5 hours from Perth. Plus 2 other exploration projects in WA, with one having initial 27,000 ounces based on ASX [...]