Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to announce that it has signed contracts with Air Greenland for helicopter charter services and Xploration Services Greenland A/S for field administration and logistics services for its upcoming diamond drilling program on the Skaergaard Project. The Company has also hired several geologists and field support [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony J Williams as Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors, and CEO. Tony Williams is the founder and Chairman of the Dragon Group , a privately owned group of companies with a variety of interests in international mining finance and project management. Since establishing [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony J Williams as Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors, and CEO. Tony Williams is the founder and Chairman of the Dragon Group , a privately owned group of companies with a variety of interests in international mining finance and project management. Since establishing [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to provide an update on recent developments in Greenland with regards to exploration and mining activities and their potential impact on the Skaergaard Project . The Company is in the process of planning a large diamond drilling program on its Skaergaard Project starting in late June to early July with further [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to provide an update on recent developments in Greenland with regards to exploration and mining activities and their potential impact on the Skaergaard Project . The Company is in the process of planning a large diamond drilling program on its Skaergaard Project starting in late June to early July with further [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. wishes to confirm that management is unaware of any material change in the Company's operations that would account for the recent significant share price depreciation, following the successful report of its 5.5 million palladium equivalent indicated resource and 14.4 million palladium equivalent ounce inferred resource [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. announces that it has entered into a Shareholder Rights Plan with National Securities Administrators Ltd., as the rights agent. The Plan is effective as of April 26, 2021. The Plan has been adopted to ensure that the Company's shareholders are treated fairly in the event of a take-over bid for the Company's common shares [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is extremely pleased to report the results of its independent Mineral Resource Estimate for the Skaergaard Project completed by SLR Consulting, and in accordance with NI 43-101. This has been the culmination of 10 months of continuous, diligent work by SLR and Major Precious Metals. Highlights Indicated Mineral Resource [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to provide an update on its exploration and drilling plans for this summer on the Skaergaard Project in eastern Greenland. Charter Ship and Drilling Program Update The Company is now well advanced in planning its summer 2021 exploration and diamond drilling program at Skaergaard including engaging Airland [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to report the granting of a new mineral exploration licence at Skaergaard in eastern Greenland. New Skaergaard Mineral Exploration Licence The Company was granted MEL 2021-10 located on the eastern and western shore of the Kangerlussuaq Fjord , immediately adjacent to MEL 2007-01 and MEL 2012-25 that comprise [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to announce that it will be presenting at the Virtual Investor Day III February 17-18, 2021 hosted by IR.INC and FTMIG. Mr. Paul Ténière, President and CEO will provide an in-depth update on the Company at 4:30 PM EST, February 17, 2021. VID III is a completely interactive experience for feature companies and [...]
Major Precious Metals Corp. is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of a one-hundred-percent interest in the Skaergaard Project located on the east coast of Greenland . The Acquisition was completed pursuant to the terms of a definitive purchase agreement entered into with Platina Resources Ltd. . In consideration for the [...]
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