Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Februar 2013 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Micron Enviro Systems Inc. fand aufgrund einer Fusion mit Britannia Mining Inc. statt.
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Nachrichten, deutsch zu Micron Enviro Systems Inc.
Micron Enviro Systems Inc. teilte heute mit, dass das Unternehmen die Vorbereitungen für die zuvor angekündigte Aktienzusammenlegung im Verhältnis 60:1 mit Wirkung zum morgigen 31. Mai abgeschlossen hat. Aktionäre, die bis zum 30. Mai zwischen einer und 19.980 Stammaktien gehalten haben, werden nach erfolgter Zusammenlegung mindestens 333 Aktien [...]
Britannia Mining the successor of a merger between UK-based mining development company Britannia Mining Plc and U.S.-based Micron Enviro Systems (Former Symbol: MSVS), announced today that the Company has completed its integration and consolidation of business across three continents - clearing the way for the new US entity to begin full [...]
Micron Enviro Systems, soon to be officially known as Britannia Mining, seeks to reaffirm the Dissenters' Rights for shareholders of the Company. "Transparency is key when looking to establish and maintain a good relationship with shareholders," stated Kenneth Roberts, newly appointed CEO of Micron Enviro Systems. "We strongly believe that the [...]
Micron Enviro Systems announced today that the company is preparing the appropriate documents and filings to formalize last week's shareholder ratification. The 'Special Meeting of Stockholders,' held on January 31st, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. (EST) in New York City at the law offices of Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP, solidified the joint efforts [...]
Micron Enviro Systems a UK-based mining development company (recently merged with MSVS -- pending today's shareholder ratification), announced that all aspects of the plan of merger have been approved by Micron shareholders. The company once known as Micron Enviro Systems will now officially become Britannia Mining.
Micron Enviro System appears to be extremely positive according to preliminary tabulation results from Broadridge. "Feedback from the proxies seems to indicate that the public is largely comfortable with our merger plans," stated Kenneth Roberts, newly appointed CEO of Micron Enviro Systems. "This is not to say that all aspects of the plan are [...]