Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Januar 2013 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Coventry Resources Ltd. fand aufgrund einer Übernahme durch PolarX Ltd. statt.
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Crescent Resources und Coventry Resources gaben gestern den Abschluss der vergangenen Herbst angekündigten Fusion bekannt. Durch den im Rahmen der Transaktion stattgefundenen Aktientausch wird Coventry demnach zu einem 100%-Tochterunternehmen Crescents. Im Zuge der Fusion hat Crescent eine Aktienkonsolidierung im Verhältnis 5:1 durchgeführt und [...]
Coventry Resources Limited advises that it has raised approximately A$1.8 million via the issue of 56,473,750 ordinary shares at an issue price of A$0.032 per Share, pursuant to the placement that it announced on August 26, 2016. The Placement was undertaken pursuant to the Company's capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1. Net proceeds from the [...]
Coventry Resources Limited announces that it has applied to the Ontario Securities Commission, as principal regulator, for an order that the Company has ceased to be a reporting issuer in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. The Company is not a reporting issuer in any other Canadian jurisdiction. If the requested order is made by the OSC, the [...]
Coventry Resources is pleased to report further results from its ongoing field program at the high-grade Caribou Dome Copper Project in Alaska. Announcement Highlights Copper-rich massive sulphide mineralisation intersected in recent drilling at both the Menel and Lense 4 IP Anomalies Additional new high-priority targets defined over the entire [...]
Coventry Resources Limited is pleased to announce very encouraging results from ongoing exploration activities at the Company's high-grade Caribou Dome Copper Project in Alaska. During the past two months the Company has been undertaking ground geophysics surveying (specifically induced polarisation surveying), drilling, mapping and soil sampling [...]
Coventry Resources held a general meeting of shareholders ("the Meeting") on July 28, 2016 at 10am Perth, Western Australia time. The resolutions voted on were in accordance with the Notice of General Meeting dated June 20, 2016. The Company advises that all resolutions were passed at the Meeting on a show of hands. Details of the proxy votes [...]