Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Juni 2014 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Sierra Mining Ltd. fand aufgrund einer Übernahme durch RTG Mining Inc. statt.
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RTG Mining und Sierra Mining teilten in dieser Woche mit, dass die beiden Unternehmen einen Unternehmenszusammenschluss planen. Dabei wurde ein Tauschverhältnis von drei RTG-Aktien für je eine Sierra-Aktie sowie eine RTG-Option für je drei Sierra-Aktien vereinbart. Die Optionen von RTG Mining sollen dabei über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren zu [...]
RTG Mining is pleased to announce that it has completed the implementation of the schemes of arrangement pursuant to the terms of the previously-announced Scheme Implementation Deed dated February 24 between the Company and Sierra Mining to acquire all of the outstanding securities of Sierra. Pursuant to the Schemes, the Company acquired all of the [...]
RTG Mining Inc. and its subsidiaries ("RTG" or "the Company") are pleased to announce that Sierra Mining has released an announcement of further outstanding results from its on-going drilling program at the Mabilo Project in the Philippines. The announcement is attached to this release and can be found on their website and will also be available on [...]
RTG Mining Inc. and its subsidiaries are pleased to announce that Sierra Mining has released an announcement confirming that the scheme booklet in relation to Sierra's proposed merger with RTG by way of Schemes of Arrangement under the Corporations Act has today been registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. A copy of [...]
RTG Mining Inc. and its subsidiaries are pleased to announce that Sierra Mining has released an announcement updating the status of the merger between Sierra and RTG by way of schemes of arrangement under the Corporations Act. The announcement is attached to this release and can be found on their website
RTG Mining and Sierra Mining are pleased to announce that they have entered into a conditional Scheme Implementation Deed (Merger Agreement) to combine the two companies at an agreed exchange ratio1 of: 3 RTG shares for each Sierra share held; plus 1 RTG option for every 3 Sierra shares held. The RTG options will be exercisable for a period of [...]