AndeanGold teilte gestern mit, dass die letzte Tranche der am 22. August 2013 angekündigten Privatplatzierung abgeschlossen wurde. Das Unternehmen hatte, wie am 25. November gemeldet, bereits 7.200.000 Einheiten für einen Gesamterlös von 360.000 $ ausgegeben, jetzt wurden weitere 1.000.000 Einheiten ausgegeben für einen Bruttoerlös von 50.000 $. Im [...]
AndeanGold is pleased to announce that Mr. Alberto E. Paz, a current director of the Company, has been appointed as the interim Chief Financial Officer for the Company. He fills the position vacated by the former Chief Financial Officer, which was announced on August 4, 2015. Mr. Paz is based in Lima, Perú and has been a director of the [...]
AndeanGold reports that, further to its news releases of August 4, 2015, August 13, 2015 and August 27, 2015 announcing the delay in the filing date of its audited financial statements and the subsequent granting of a Management Cease Trade Order by the British Columbia Securities Commission on July 30, 2015, the Company is continuing its search [...]
AndeanGold reports that, further to its news releases of August 4, 2015 and August 13, 2015 announcing the delay in the filing date of its audited financial statements and the subsequent granting of a Management Cease Trade Order by the British Columbia Securities Commission on July 30, 2015, the Company is continuing its search for a new Chief [...]
AndeanGold reports that, further to its news release of August 4, 2015 announcing the delay in the filing date of its audited financial statements and the subsequent granting of a Management Cease Trade Order by the British Columbia Securities Commission on July 30, 2015, the Company is continuing its search for a new Chief Financial Officer and is [...]
AndeanGold wishes to announce that Mr. David Cross, CGA, has resigned as Chief Financial Officer of the Company effective as of July 27, 2015. AndeanGold would like to thank Mr. Cross for his service to the Company over the past several years. Further to this matter, the Company also announces that it is now in default of complying with the [...]