Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Oktober 2017 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Global Cobalt Corp. fand aufgrund eines Konkurses statt.
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Global Cobalt Corp. gab gestern das Spin-Out des neuen Unternehmens Global Energy Metals bekannt. Nach erfolgter Zustimmung durch den Obersten Gerichtshof in British Columbia, Kanada, wird die Vereinbarung voraussichtlich bis spätestens 30. November 2015 in Kraft treten. Per Datum des Inkrafttretens erhalten die Aktionäre von Global Cobalt, mit [...]
Puget Ventures gab vergangene Woche bekannt, dass das Unternehmen eine Namensänderung zu "Global Cobalt Corporation" vollzogen hat. Grund hierfür ist das Bestreben Pugets als Kobalt-Explorationsunternehmen auf internationaler Ebene tätig zu sein. Die Aktien des Unternehmens werden nun seit 4. Juni unter dem neuen Namen und dem neuen Kürzel "GCO" an [...]
Global Cobalt announced today that it has filed its third quarter financial statements for the period ending January 31, 2016 and has retained auditors to complete the 2015-2016 annual statements. In addition, the company announced the re-appointment of two previous directors: Maximiliano Barrientos and Peter J Reynolds. Peter J Reynolds will also [...]
Global Cobalt announced today that it has filed its third quarter financial statements for the period ending January 31, 2016 and has retained auditors to complete the 2015-2016 annual statements. In addition, the company announced the re-appointment of two previous directors: Maximiliano Barrientos and Peter J Reynolds. Peter J Reynolds will also [...]
Global Cobalt is pleased to announce that all of the conditions precedent to the completion of the arrangement transaction amongst the Company, Global Energy Metals and Imperial Mining Holding have been satisfied or waived and that the Final Order of the Supreme Court of British Columbia approving the transaction was filed with the Registrar of [...]
Global Cobalt is pleased to announce that all of the conditions precedent to the completion of the arrangement transaction amongst the Company, Global Energy Metals and Imperial Mining Holding have now been satisfied or waived and the parties are preparing to complete the transactions contemplated by the July 27, 2015 Arrangement Agreement [...]
Global Cobalt is pleased to announce that the Supreme Court of British Columbia has granted a final order approving the previously announced plan of arrangement involving Global Cobalt, Imperial Mining Holding Ltd., and Global Energy Metals. The granting of the Final Order was a condition to the completion of the Arrangement. The Arrangement was [...]