Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Juli 2012 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Ursa Major Minerals Inc. fand aufgrund einer Übernahme durch Nickel Creek Platinum Corp. statt.
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Prophecy Platinum hat am Montag die Übernahme von URSA Major Minerals erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Die Aktionäre von URSA erhalten im Rahmen der Transaktion für 25 URSA-Stammaktien 1 Stammaktie von Prophecy. Im März dieses Jahres hatten die beiden Unternehmen ihre Pläne für einen Zusammenschluss bekannt gegeben.
URSA Major today reports that further its news release dated May 30, URSA Major and Prophecy Platinum are pleased to announce that the acquisition of URSA Major by Prophecy Platinum was completed on July 16. Ross Glanville & Associates Ltd. acted as financial advisor to URSA Major. The last day of trading of the common shares of URSA Major on the [...]
URSA Major today reports that further its news release dated May 30, 2012, URSA Major and Prophecy Platinum have agreed to amend the proposed business combination agreement to close on July 16, 2012. On closing, Prophecy Platinum will issue one common share for each 25 common shares of URSA Major held.
URSA is pleased to announce that the previously disclosed business combination with Prophecy Platinum by way of court-approved Plan of Arrangement has been approved by the shareholders of URSA Major at its Special Shareholder's Meeting held yesterday in Toronto, Ontario. URSA Major shareholders approved the Arrangement with a total of 98.9% of the [...]
URSA Major Minerals Incorporated announces its financial and operating results for the year ended January 31, 2012. The Company reports that the Shakespeare Nickel Mine had gross revenues of $11,162,363 with an operating loss on mining activities of $171,838 for the year.
Ursa Major Minerals Incorporated are pleased to announce that they have signed a definitive agreement in connection with the business combination announced in their joint news release dated March 1, 2012. Prophecy has agreed to issue one common share for each 25 common shares of Ursa held.