Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit August 2013 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Silvore Fox Minerals Corp. fand aufgrund einer Übernahme durch Golden Share Resources Corp. statt.
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Nachrichten, deutsch zu Silvore Fox Minerals Corp.
Silvore Fox Minerals und das kanadische Junior-Explorationsunternehmen Golden Share Mining gaben gestern bekannt, dass die beiden Unternehmen eine Vertragsvereinbarung bezüglich einer Fusion geschlossen haben. Im Zuge des Zusammenschlusses erhalten die Aktionäre eine Stammaktie des neuen Unternehmens für fünf Stammaktien von Silvore Fox bzw. Golden [...]
Silvore Fox Minerals is pleased to announce that the proposed merger transaction with Golden Share Mining as previously announced on May 30th 2013 has been approved by SFX shareholders at the annual and special meeting held July 25, 2013. Golden Share has also received shareholders' approval for the Transaction during their special shareholder [...]
Silvore Fox Minerals is pleased to announce the filing on SEDAR of the documentation for the merger transaction with Golden Share Mining as previously announced on May 30th 2013. Silvore Fox's annual and special shareholder meeting seeking approval from shareholders for the Transaction will be held at 145 Riviera Drive, Unit 7 in Markham, ON on [...]
Silvore Fox announces that the exploration and option agreement originally signed June 15, 2011 between Silvore Fox and Orebot Inc., and later amended by an agreement dated June 13, 2012 has been further amended pursuant to an agreement dated June 12, 2013. The Exploration and Option Agreement provided Silvore Fox the right to acquire a one-hundred [...]
After many months of evaluating strategic alternatives to improve shareholder value, Silvore Fox Minerals has today entered into an amalgamation agreement with Canadian junior gold explorer Golden Share Mining. The Corporation and Golden Share are collectively referred to herein as the "Parties". Silvore Fox management believes the combination of [...]
After many months of extensive negotiations and legal reviews Silvore Fox Minerals and its Chilean subsidiary have determined that it is no longer in the best interests of their shareholders to close the acquisition of the two Chile properties known as Totoral and Harvest that were originally announced January 9, 2012. SFX management believes that [...]