Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Mai 2013 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Tigris Uranium Corp. fand aufgrund einer Übernahme durch enCore Energy Corp. statt.
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Wie aus einer heute veröffentlichten Meldung hervorgeht, ist die Reverse-Takeover-Transaktion zwischen Tigris Uranium und Wolfpack Gold abgeschlossen. Im Rahmen der Transaktion hat Tigris sämtliche ausgegebenen und ausstehenden Aktien von Wolfpack erworben. Die Transaktion, die insgesamt drei Parteien umfasste, beinhaltete auch die Fusion zwischen [...]
Tigris Uranium und Wolfpack Gold freuen sich bekannt zu geben, dass Tigris entschieden hat, sein Geschäft zu diversifizieren, ohne dabei seine Präsenz und sein Engagement auf dem Uranmarkt zu vernachlässigen. Zu diesem Zweck investierte Tigris in NexGen Energy und unterzeichnete eine unverbindliche Absichtserklärung mit Wolfpack, die am 30 [...]
Tigris Uranium and Wolfpack Gold are pleased to announce the completion of the previously announced reverse takeover transaction pursuant to which Tigris acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Wolfpack through a three-cornered amalgamation whereby Wolfpack amalgamated with a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tigris. In connection with [...]
Tigris Uranium, and Wolfpack Gold are pleased to announce that they have entered into an Amalgamation Agreement, with each other and 0960926 B.C. Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tigris, in respect of a proposed "reverse takeover" that is to be conducted in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. The proposed transaction was first announced by [...]
Tigris Uranium is pleased to announce that trading in Tigris common shares will resume effective February 1st, 2013. The Company is also pleased to announce that at the Company's special meeting of shareholders held on January 25, 2013, a majority of the shareholders approved all resolutions proposed in the meeting's management information circular [...]
Tigris Uranium and Wolfpack Gold are pleased to announce that Tigris has determined to diversify its business focus, while maintaining its exposure and commitment to the long term viability of the uranium market. To this end, Tigris has made an investment in NexGen Energy and has entered into a non-binding letter of intent, dated effective [...]
Tigris Uranium Corp.is pleased to announce the appointment of Matthew J. Anderson as Chief Financial Officer of the Company effective November 1st, 2012.