Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit August 2015 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Wolverine Exploration Inc. fand aufgrund einer Umstrukturierung statt.
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Nachrichten, deutsch zu Wolverine Exploration Inc.
Wolverine Exploration gab heute bekannt, dass es mit dem Computer- und Netzsicherheitsunternehmen ENIGMAMobile Inc. eine Absichtserklärung für den Erwerb einer 25%-Beteiligung an Enigma gegen Barmittel in Höhe von 10.000.000 US$ unterzeichnet hat. Gemäß den Bedingungen der Absichtserklärung stehen Wolverine 120 Tage zu, um die Finanzmittel zu [...]
Wolverine Exploration announced today that it has entered into a Share Exchange and Royalty Agreement with Dr. David Chalk, hd.Tech. Under the terms of the Agreement, Wolverine will acquire a 25% interest in the process technology and cyber security company ENIGMAMobil Inc. from Chalk for the purchase price of USD $3,000,000, to be paid in shares [...]
As a result of a review by the British Columbia Securities Commission, Wolverine Exploration Inc. is issuing the following press release to clarify its disclosure. Wolverine is re-filing the Form 10-Q for the six months ended November 30, 2014. The Form 10-Q has been amended to include additional disclosure on the acquisition of ENIGMAMobil Inc [...]
Wolverine announced today that it has entered into an Amended Letter of Intent with the cyber security corporation ENIGMAMobil. Under the terms of the LOI Wolverine will acquire a 25% interest in Enigma for the purchase price of USD $5,000,000 of which USD $3,000,000 is to be paid in shares of common stock of Wolverine at a deemed price of USD$0.01 [...]
Wolverine Exploration would like to provide additional details regarding the proposed financing of ENIGMAMobil. It is Wolverine's current intention that the financing will not be raised by the issuance of securities of Wolverine but rather through the sharing of the 25% equity interest in Enigma. Wolverine is essentially acting as the partner to [...]
Wolverine Exploration announced today that it has entered into a Letter of Intent with the cyber security corporation ENIGMAMobil to acquire a 25% interest in Enigma for a cash payment of USD $10,000,000. Under the terms of the LOI Wolverine will have 120 days to raise the financing and enter into a formal purchase agreement with Enigma.