Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit Januar 2015 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Northland Resources SE fand aufgrund eines Konkurses statt.
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Northland Resources, ein in Luxemburg ansässiger Eisenerzproduzent mit Operationen in Schweden und Finnland, gab gestern bekannt, dass das Unternehmen seine bisherige Produktionsplanung für das Gesamtjahr 2013 korrigiert hat. Statt der bisherigen 1,2 Tonnen Eisenerz rechnet Northland nun mit einem Ausstoß von 1,0 bis 1,1 Mio. Tonnen. Grund hierfür [...]
Der Eisenerzproduzent Northland Resources teilte heute mit, dass das Unternehmen eine Aktienzusammenlegung im Verhältnis 100:1 durchgeführt hat. Diese war Ende Juli von den Aktionären des Unternehmens bewilligt worden. Die nun 5.141.376 konsolidierten ausgegebenen und ausstehenden Aktien von Northland Resources werden bereits seit 19. August [...]
Northland Resources announces that the Company's request of bankruptcy has been approved by the Luxembourg District Court. In accordance with the announcement on December 8, 2014, Northland Resources, the parent company of Northland, has filed for bankruptcy in Luxembourg on December 17, 2014. Pursuant to article 437 of the Luxembourg Commercial [...]
Northland Resources announces that the Company's request of bankruptcy for Northland Logistics AS, Northland Mines OY and Northland Exploration Finland OY has been approved with respective jurisdiction. In accordance with the announcement on December 8, 2014, the Company's subsidiaries Northland Logistics AS, Northland Mines OY and Northland Exp...
Northland Resources announces that the respective Board of Directors for the following legal entities within the Northland group: Northland Resources SE, Northland Sweden AB, Northland Resources AB, Northland Logistics AB , Northland Logistics AS Northland Mines OY and Northland Exploration Finland OY, have resolved to file for bankruptcy with [...]
Northland Resources announces that Lulea District Court (has approved the Company's request of bankruptcy for the Swedish subsidiaries Northland Sweden AB, Northland Resources AB and Northland Logistics AB. In accordance with the announcement earlier today, the Company's Swedish subsidiaries Northland Sweden AB, Northland Resources AB and Northland [...]
Northland Resources announces that the Company has been informed that the group of Swedish investors cancels the acquisition process that had been initiated based on the proposal to the Company's major creditors. Furthermore, Northland has also been informed by the counterpart for a contemplated outsourcing agreement that the counterpart has [...]