Das Bergbauunternehmen ist seit März 2012 nicht mehr an einer Börse gelistet. Das Delisting von Auzex Resources Ltd. fand aufgrund einer Fusion mit Bullabulling Gold Ltd. statt.
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The Directors of GGG Resources are pleased to announce the signing of a binding Heads of Agreement with Auzex Resources to combine the Bullabulling Gold Project into a new single corporate entity to be named Bullabulling Gold through an all share merger which will be Australian domiciled and listed on ASX and AIM.
GGG Resources and Auzex Resources wish to inform shareholders that discussions with their resource consultant Snowden are now at an advanced stage. Preliminary optimisation studies have been completed and a final sign off on the resource estimate classification is expected shortly. Once completed the JV partners will release their JORC resource [...]
GGG Resources has today extended the offer period of its off-market takeover offer for all of the ordinary shares in Auzex Resources for two weeks so that it is now scheduled to close at 5.00pm on Monday 20 June 2011. On 6 May 2011, Auzex announced three separate proposals; namely: A demerger of its non-core exploration assets; A proposed $25 [...]
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