Unsere Redaktion von GoldSeiten.de berichtet tagtäglich über die neusten Ereignisse an den Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmärkten. Aktuelle Nachrichten und detaillierte Hintergrundberichte aus Wirtschaft und Finanzen runden das Angebotsspektrum ab.
Darüber hinaus stehen in unserem Archiv bzw. in den jeweiligen Rubriken weitere Artikel, Analysen, Kolumnen und Studien aus der Feder von über 200 nationalen, wie auch international bekannten Analysten und Finanzexperten zur Verfügung.
Die Unsicherheit wächst - in Zeiten von Krise und Inflation. Wer Geld übrig hat, fragt sich: Wie lege ich sicher und optimal an? Ein Haus kaufen oder in Edelmetalle investieren? Auf der Edelmetallmesse sprechen wir mit Experten darüber.
Die mögliche Entwicklung der Kapitalmärkte, die aktuelle Währungskrise sowie finanzielle Repression: Unter anderem darüber hat Claus Vogt (Geschäftsführer Aequitas Capital Partners GmbH) auf der IfAAM Financial Repression Tour im Oktober 2012 mit SHC...
In this edition of the show, Max interviews Lars Schall from larsschall.com. He talks about Germany's gold reserves, which are held in New York and not in Germany.
Welcome to Capital Account. Nigel Farage is a UK politician with a strong US following. He has seen his own party, UKIP, grow from a fringe faction to a viable mainstream alternative. By turning his European Parliamentary position into a bully pulpit...
Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about Federal Reserve policy and his investment strategy. Faber, speaking with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop," also discusses gold prices and the property market....
European Parliament, Strasbourg, 12 September 2012 Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) Group in the European Parliament - http://nigelfaragemep.co.uk
Archived from the live Mises.tv broadcast, this lecture by Philipp Bagus was presented at the 2012 Mises University in Auburn, Alabama. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Welcome to Capital Account. After its yearlong investigation, the Justice Department said that it will not bring charges against Goldman Sachs or any of its employees for financial fraud related to the mortgage crisis. Is this justice or, as Gerald...
Welcome to Capital Account. Another day with record lows for the US Treasury, both the 10-year and the 2-year. Could this be the biggest bubble we have ever seen? We talk to famed investor Dr. Marc Faber, Publisher of the Gloom Boom and Doom Report....