VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired - Apr 23, 2014) - New Hana Copper Mining Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:HML) is pleased to announce that the Company is changing its name to Handa Copper Corporation. Effective at the opening April 25, 2014, the common shares of Handa Copper Corporation will commence trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker symbol "HEC" (TSX VENTURE:HEC). There is no change in the Company's capital structure in connection with the name change.
"The 'handa' is a copper ingot that was forged in the shape of a cross and used as a currency for trade in central and southern Africa from approximately the 16th century. Our new name reinforces our focus on identifying and acquiring copper assets in some of the most prospective geological belts in Africa," said Marek Kreczmer, Chief Executive Officer.
The Company's efforts to identify, evaluate and acquire copper projects in Africa are being led by Jon R. Stacey, its recently appointed president. Mr. Stacey is overseeing the Company's operations from its offices in Zambia and is currently reviewing a number of potential projects.
"Work is being done to evaluate a variety of copper projects," said Mr. Stacey. "Through my extensive network of contacts in the region, promising projects are presented regularly. I am confident that in the near future we will be able to announce our first project in what we expect will ultimately be a portfolio of noteworthy copper projects in Africa."
Mr. Stacey has extensive experience working in a number of jurisdictions in Africa including Zambia, Zimbabwe, Guinea, Sierra Leone and South Africa. His experience includes the identification and acquisition of prospective exploration projects in multiple jurisdictions across Africa, offering geological consultancy services to an international client base.
About New Hana Copper Mining
The Company is focused on the review of early stage copper opportunities in Africa. Our field geologists are regularly engaged in field evaluation of project submissions and testing in-house exploration concepts. Our goal is to build a portfolio of significant copper projects in Africa.
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